In Part 2 of Mind Candy, Joseph Shulam continues his exploration of how scripture is misused, focusing on the misinterpretation of passages like Psalm 122:6, which is often distorted for personal gain. He emphasizes the responsibility of pastors and leaders to correctly handle the Word of God, rather than twisting it for self-promotion or financial prosperity. Through deep analysis of biblical texts, Joseph calls for sincerity and integrity in teaching, reminding viewers of the true role of shepherds in caring for their flock
#MisuseOfScripture, #BiblicalInterpretation, #JosephShulam, #MindCandy, #Psalm122, #IntegrityInTeaching, #BibleStudy, #BiblicalTruth, #ShepherdsResponsibility, #FalseTeachings, #ScriptureTwisting, #ChristianLeaders, #FaithAndTruth, #BiblicalContext, #ChristianResponsibility, #SpiritualIntegrity, #BibleTeachers, #GodsWord, #HonestPreaching, #TruthInScripture