If we look at all life events, within our control and out of our control, nothing is guaranteed, nothing. We can have the best plan in place and mother nature can very well come in and disrupt it. Does this mean, to not plan, to not live, absolutely not.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken.
www.mindvsaction.com @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube