See if you can follow this....
Truth: A Study has revealed that Men have better sex with women who are emotionally unstable. But Why?
Truth: Another study revealed that women prefer men who are less agreeable but pay attention to detail. But Why?
What really is gonna cook your noodle is that the same study found that men whose partners had less emotional stability reported better sexual function” while “lower agreeableness of a sexual partner was predictive of better sexual function in women.”
They also discovered that “men who are thorough and dutiful may feel the need to satisfy their partner sexually, which may, in turn, lead to a better sexual function of their partners.”
Okay, Okay.... so are we choosing CRAZY women to date and women are basically doing the same by choosing less agreeable men just for the better sex?
Guys and Girls ... Take a listen and ask yourself this... who makes who... disturbed.