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Who cares if people think the police are to abusive, they don't know the whole story when trying to control a fleeing suspect. so shut the heck up. We need to take back our cities from people who have no respect for our country. History is history and it is here to helps us learn from our past mistakes. Authority do whatever it takes to take back your city or we will elect people who will not be afraid to get it done.
It's time to talk about the protest, riots, and defunding the police departments, last but not least the pandemic.
More ranting and opinions, I talk about how to keep yourself safe and how to keep others safe from you.
Short message about take out food or drive through and how some people may not be as safe in food prep. Walmart people are stupid as ever I might add
I ramble on about some YouTube video's and I also recommend some binge worthy YouTube video's to subscribe to see some links below.
YouTube channel My channel
The Food Ranger Exploring with Josh The Proper People Max Mcfarlin Call me Kevin Freakin Reviews
There many others and you can check them all out if you go to my channel
After my long absence, I talked about some useless information that you might want to hear or you might not. I did mention a few articles I have written in my blog which you can read it here at my Wordpress I also list a few binge worthy YouTube channels to subscribe to.
This is another random, ramble and rant. I catch up on things that's been happening with me. A very short review of a My Patriot supply long term emergency food package
A quick talk about certain people who do product reviews on Youtube along with my opinion on a few people who are doing abandoned house and buildings walk through. Take this discussion and comments to my Journal of public opinion
This was a video round table chat but since I don't vlog I had to just use my audio potion to record our discussion, listen in as friends with disabilities talk about how they cope with many aspects of relationships, dating and sex, what they think, feel, and how they are treated by others.
Hannah and her friends try a menstrual cup for the first time sit back and enjoy Hannah's witty way to go about trying this product and gives her review
The podcast currently has 10 episodes available.