Join the American Baptist Churches of Nebraska on the 2024 Lenten reflections, "Facing Jerusalem."
In the dark of the early morning,
The Spirit filled the lungs of our fallen king,
And his heart began to beat anew.
At the rising of the sun,
He awoke. He opened his eyes.
They say the tomb was empty,
Sorrow and mourning. Left behind.
Fear and shame. Left behind.
Sin and death. Left behind.
Our old ways and our old selves. Left behind.
Forever entombed by Christ the Son.
He who has conquered the grave.
~ written by Mike Yager, and posted on Ecclesia.
February 18: Luke 9:51-62
February 25: Luke 13:22-30
March 24: Palm Sunday Luke 19:28-44
March 31: Easter Luke 24:1-12
First Baptist Church, Lincoln, Nebraska--Rev. Joy Martinez-Marshall
United Faith Community Church, Valley, Nebraska--Rev. Scott Jones
Gibbon Baptist Church, Gibbon, Nebraska--Pastor Taylor Shippy
Second Baptist Church, Lincoln, Nebraska--Rev. Dr. Steve Wisthoff
Arthur Baptist Church, Arthur, Nebraska--Rev. Blake Wilkes
American Baptist Churches of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska--Rev. Dr. Greg Mamula