Coloursound Library is a Munich based experimental, progressive library label, established in 1979, created by Gunter Greffenius. Artwork paintings were often created by his wife Waltraud Greffenius. Notes on records report intringuing descriptions such as: “Documentary and industrial underlays for current themes of modern life”, “Computer Data Sound, the overture to a new era in music”, “Music suitable for heavy industry, production lines, demolitions, earth movements, biological research, laboratories, mines, oil rigs, light industry including electronics”, “Contemporary synthesizer underscores played by computers; depicting future technologies in today's process”, “Contemporary industrial moods depicting product and fabrication”, “Positive music statements for the commercial creative and business worlds”, "Continuous atmospheric sounds for enigmatic landscapes, metaphysical situations and prehistorical periods". The episode features: Joel Vandroogenbroeck, Eric Vann, Peter Lüdemann, Alessandro Alessandroni, Klaus Weiss and John Tender.