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Mobile DJ Business Podcast with Rob Peters provides Mobile DJs with information and commentary about issues relevant to running a Mobile DJ Business... more
FAQs about Mobile DJ Business Podcast:How many episodes does Mobile DJ Business Podcast have?The podcast currently has 36 episodes available.
January 16, 2020MDJBP #26 - Getting ready for MBLV #24 with Ryan BurgerThe owner of Mobile Beat Magazine, Ryan Burger, joins Rob on this weeks podcast to talk about their 20 + year friendship as well as take you through the schedule for Mobile Beat Las Vegas 24 on March 16th -19th, 2020 at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas. It's Ryan's last hurrah so he shares his favorite moments and memories!#mobiledjbizcast #djrobpeters #mobilebeat #mblv24 #ryanburgerLINKSMobile Beat Las VegasSpeedquizzingBubble Parties Business Program...more30minPlay
January 08, 2020MDJBP 25 - Looking ahead with Bryan Foley, Kevin Porter and Mike Alevras (2 of 2)Rob is joined by Bryan Foley of Kansas City, Kevin Porter of North Carolina and Mike Alevras of New York to chat about their goals and outlook for 2020. This is the first if a two part series....lots of great ideas in these two episodes including some good ideas to expand your business, ways to boost morale, and even our Super Bowl picks. Links:SHOW LINKSSpeedquizzing Smartphone TriviaBubble Parties Business ProgramMobile Beat Las Vegas...more37minPlay
December 31, 2019MDJBP 24 - Looking back..and ahead with Bryan Foley, Kevin Porter and Mike Alevras (1 of 2)Rob is joined by Bryan Foley of Kansas City, Kevin Porter of North Carolina and Mike Alevras of New York to chat about their successes in 2019 and things steps they took to improve their businesses. This is the first if a two part series....lots of great ideas in these two episodes to help DJs discover where they can go in 2019. We also chatted about a recent Bride's Magazine article about Photo Booths, and each of us shared our big wins for 2019! ...more35minPlay
December 18, 2019MDJBP #23 - Getting Disrupted with Todd Mitchem (2 of 2)It's our Pre-Christmas Show. Rob talks about the taking some time with friends and family during the holidays as well as looking out for those less fortunate! We continue our discussion with Todd Mitchem, talking his book "YOU! Disrupted" and some insight about the people who you surround your self with. Todd also discusses his training program for DJs ! #djrobpeters #toddmitchem #mitcheminteractive #mobiledjbizcast SHOW LINKSSpeedquizzing Smartphone TriviaBubble Parties Business ProgramMitchem InteractiveBuy YOU! Disrputed P.S.: Merry Christmas and Happy HJolidays from Rob Peters and all of us at RPE!Go To MBLV 24...more31minPlay
December 10, 2019MDJBP #22 - Get Disrupted with Tood Mitchem (1 of 2)Rob talks about the kick off of the Holiday Party season, including an unfortunate incident on Boston Common. Todd Mitchem talks about how he got into the entertainment biz and his book "YOU! Disrupted" Todd's interview was so good we make it a 2 part series!#djrobpeters #toddmitchem #mithceminteractive #mobiledjbizcast SHOW LINKSSpeedquizzing Smartphone TriviaBubble Parties Business ProgramMitchem InteractiveBuy YOU! DisrputedGo To MBLV 24...more26minPlay
November 27, 2019MDJBP #21 - Out of the Box with Adam HirschhornRob talks about hearing plenty of Christmas Music before Thanksgiving, Black Friday Specials, and talks about his opinion about The Knot 2020 Best of Weddings Awards. Adam Hirschhorn joins Rob to talk about creating memorable Bar & Bat Mitzvahs and some out of the box thinking on ideas that can help add profits for 2020!LINKS:Bubble Parties Business ProgramSpeedquizzing Smartphone TriviaWacky Quacky Duck DerbyMDJBP Facebook Page ...more34minPlay
November 19, 2019MDJBP #20 - Ray Mar & RobOn this week's episode, Ray Mar joins the show to talk about his 45 year career, including his first event, mistakes he has made along the way, his several books and transitioning to the new part of his career!SHOW LINKS:Mobile Beat Las VegasSpeedquizzingBubble PartiesRay Mar ...more32minPlay
November 12, 2019MDJBP #19 - Better SEO with Wedding Industry RescueShea Bailey of Wedding Industry Rescue discusses discusses finding your idea client and how the right combination of content, back links and engagement can help you with SEO and how your ideal client is the foundation of building a better Wedding Business.#mobiledjbizcast #weddingindustryrescue #djrobpetersShow LinksMobile Beat Las VegasSpeedquizzingBubble Parties Business ProgramWedding Industry Rescue...more26minPlay
November 05, 2019MDJBP #18 - It's Holiday Party SeasonRob Peters and Keith Alan talk about Holiday Parties and include plenty of ideas on Holiday party formats, helpful tips on how to book them, different add ons you can offer to help you stand out from your competitor and a discussion on some skills you should keep in your 'toolbox" to help you create a great experience for your client and their guests.SHOW LINKSBubble Parties Business ProgramSpeedquizzing Smartphone TriviaYankee Swap Rules#Djrobpeters #mobiledjbizcast #keithalan #holidayparty #mobiledjs ...more20minPlay
October 23, 2019MDJBP #17 - David Hanscom and Nick Sangiamo talk about "The Rookie & The Vet"David Hanscom and Nick Sangiamo join host Rob Peters to talk about their new podcast "The Rookie and The Vet". Together they discuss the value of education and discuss some of the topics their guests have shared and how it can benefit small businesses! LINKSRookie and The Vet PodcastSpeedquizzing Smart Phone TriviaBubble Parties #mobildjbizcast #therookieadnthevet #davidhanscom #nicksangiamo #djrobpeters #djeducation...more33minPlay
FAQs about Mobile DJ Business Podcast:How many episodes does Mobile DJ Business Podcast have?The podcast currently has 36 episodes available.