Dear scribblers + speakers,
All July is dedicated to my ancestor, Great Great Ma Ella Ellis. She was born July 4, 1885. This 30-day communion honors her. Our Morning Five are part of what I call CARE Rituals. They are punctuation marks and without them, each day is like a run-on sentence. There is a better way for you to engage the day—your rituals, personally + collectively.
1) H2O Cocktail —Revitalize and re-hydrate first thing each day (yes, before matcha or coffee). Put together 8oz of filtered water with ¼ fresh lemon and ¼-½ tsp of sea salt.
2) Light—Done hydrating? Splendid, head outside! Just like plants, we have a distinct need for sunshine, water alone won’t keep our leaves green + vibrant. Sunshine is not only responsible for Vitamin D synthesis (every cell in the body is partly regulated by it), but it’s also the key agent in our circadian rhythm.
3) Movement—It’s important to have a movement practice that goes beyond hustling out the door or doing all the things around the house. Try setting aside at least 3 minutes for simple stretching, yoga, jumping-jacks, weight training, etc… Whatever you choose, you’re allowing the body to calibrate ahead of your daily duties, and encouraging healthier stress-response. Oh, and sex is good also.
4) Meditation — Just 5 minutes — the nurture of the quieting-of-mind in Scripture or the elongated sitting with oneself, and the Spirit (Ruach) for 5 minutes can be hospitable to a naturally-calmer morning mind.
5) Gratitude—The practice of daily gratitude is arguably strongest in the morning and it amplifies what's already there.
Watch the visual meditation on YouTube.
Embodiment CTA (Call to Abide): Take the Rest Assessment
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