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Before we can have, we must become. This is as true today as it has ever been. So we should dream big. We should think abundantly. We should be ambitious. That comes first. But the next step is to become the person capable and worthy of accomplishing the lofty goals we set.
When we dream big, we often feel unworthy. And that’s because often, we are! We’re not capable of achieving that ambitious goal yet.
But just because we’re not now, doesn’t mean we’re not ever. We must now dedicate ourselves to the process of becoming - day by day, week by week, year by year.
Knowing Intellectually vs. Knowing Viscerally
There is a difference between knowing and knowing. It is one thing to understand something on an intellectual level. “I understand that I can achieve this.”
It is another to really believe something. “I know that I can achieve this.”
Almost everyone understands intellectually.
Very few understand viscerally - and that’s where the difference is.
Overcoming Information Overload
In the modern world, we are constantly bombarded with information. Text messages, push notifications, breaking news, social media mentions and hours of endless scrolling.
With all this information coming in, it’s very easy to feel overwhelmed. Stress and anxiety have become the norm.
But a big part of this feeling of overwhelm is simply an improper use of the human mind. We’re not using our brain the ways it’s designed to be used.
When we try to process everything in our conscious, thinking mind - we feel overwhelmed. Because quite literally we are! The conscious mind can only process 40 bits of info per second - but it’s receiving way more.
But when we process everything in our subconscious mind - not trying to think everything through, but trusting our subconscious to direct us where we need to go - we feel calm. Controlled. At peace.
Our subconscious mind can process 20,000,000 bits of info per second - we just need to trust it.
Right Actions, Right Results.
The physical world operates on the law of cause and effect. When we take the right actions, we get the right results. When we take the wrong actions, we get the wrong results. When we take a mix of right and wrong actions, we get the all-too-common mediocre results.
This is a beautiful thing, because it means we are in complete control of our destiny. We just have to study + execute on the patterns that will get us where we want to go, by studying the people that have done it before.
The Third Entity of the Mind: Self-Esteem
We’ve talked so far about 2 entities of the mind: the conscious and the subconscious. But this begs the question - why can’t we just hand someone a plan for achieving a goal?
If we can tell them exactly what to do + how to do it, and know the result they’ll get when they do - why won’t they do it?
There’s something holding us back. And it lives in this third entity of the mind: self-esteem.
We don’t take actions we don’t believe we’re capable of. We don’t take actions we don’t believe we’re worthy of. We don’t take actions we’re afraid are going to bring us negative feedback.
Self-esteem is formed early in our lives. But the good news is, we can reshape it.