✨Ever been in a situation, where you felt the people you trusted the most...kept quiet instead of speaking up for you?
✨Have you ever been the one who stayed quiet, when you knew you should have spoken up?
➡️Listen, as I discuss the results of a poll I recently posted on Instagram, along with the topics below!
✨Why do some people choose not to speak up?
✨How can we take steps in changing our behaviors?
✨Are your beliefs aligned with your actions?
➡️The results of the poll were not what I expected , but it made me realize this is a discussion that should be happening more often!
➡️If we want to leave this world a better place, we must be willing to use our voices to speak up when it MATTERS the most!
✨ Go to Spotify to give feedback to use in the follow https://open.spotify.com/episode/1TBKjQH76j6zdxkzfMrCz4?si=3Obt3g_gQiiZEV6I6t4KBQ
✨Love what you hear?
Give me a shoutout on Instagram or SUBSCRIBE!
Connect with me!
· Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/jesscopacia/
· Facebook-https://www.facebook.com/JessCopacia
· www.momguiltisbs.com
Slay your day! XOXO, Jess