Work life balance? Who is she? A huge complaint about working mom life is the inability to have work-life balance. As moms we are not only expected to give 100% to our kids, but also 100% to our spouses, our work, ourselves, our family, friends, church and every combination in between. If we only have 100% to give how are these expectations even relevant? THEY ARE NOT. The world we live in today expects too much out of mothers and too much out of business women. It is our job to PERSONALLY step back and create the right balance for ourselves. The question is how… It is all about priority setting and resetting your own expectations. You ARE super mom, but you are not perfect and that is OKAY! The tools and tips we talk about in this podcast are efforts we use on a regular basis to help give the balance we so desperately need in our lives. It’s not an easy math equation though, there is a lot of give and take. The biggest takeaway is to give yourself some grace. God gave us 24hrs in a day for a reason, there is only so much we can pack in there. Setting realistic priorities in your life is step #1. What are some tips you have for achieving work life balance? Are you struggling or have you mastered it? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!!!