Should you start an LLC?
This is a question I see a lot in the indie author world, but any aspiring or new entrepreneur should really consider moving their business behind an LLC (dependent on your circumstances).
The information in this episode is specific to the USA only, and any tax-related questions should go directly to your CPA.
In this episode, you’ll learn…
- What an LLC, or "limited liability corporation," is in the context of sole propietorship
- 5 reasons why you should consider starting an LLC
- 6 steps to setting up your LLC in the next 48-72 hours
- And more!
Show notes:
6 steps to starting your LLC today (in this order)!
1. Pick a state, preferably one that is LLC friendly
2. Search for your aspiring LLC name on your state's business filing website to check and make sure it's available
3. Consider signing up for your registered agent
4. Register your LLC on your state's business filing website
5. Obtain your EIN ("Employee Identification Number") on the IRS website
6. Set up a business banking account with your EIN, Driver's License/Passport, Articles of Organization (obtained from state filing website), and cash
And now, you are official!