Buy Now Pay Later Vs Credit Cards
Buy Now Pay Later businesses have been on the rise over the last few years and their success has caused a lot of attention within the media, sparking a great debate on whether or not these systems should be permitted to run. Many people believe that the original ways of distributing credit, such as credit cards, are the safest and most 'ethical' ways of providing for consumers.
In this episode, Damian and Cara discuss the differences between Buy Now Pay Later and Credit Cards, focusing on the positives and negatives of both systems. Whilst Damian believes that Buy Now Pay Later methods are actually not that bad and can help implement positive spending habits and repayment habits, they look a little further into the marketing of BNPL giant Afterpay and how their messaging, like most others, rely on attacking the vulnerabilities of shoppers to spend money they may not necessarily have, contributing to individual debt and stripping away any education on financial responsibilities.
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