Before there was money, there was barter. In barter, people
exchange goods and services directly for goods and services without the
medium of money. As civilization grew and barter became too clumsy,
people found that they could exchange their goods and services into a
medium like coins, which they could then exchange for the goods and
services of others, thereby making the whole process more efficient. Today,
we go to work and exchange our work for money, which we then use to
purchase the results of the work of other people. There is nothing that will give you a bigger and better “bang” for your
buck than reinvesting some of your time and money back into your capability
to earn even more. All wealthy and successful people have learned this
sooner or later, and all poor and unhappy people are still trying to figure it.Identify the things you do in your work that represent the highest value
uses of your time. Focus more and more of your time on doing those things
that represent the greatest contributions you can make to the most important
results that you can achieve. Continually look for ways to increase your
return on energy