Advice about personal finances, investment strategies, best practices with savings, and a general discussion about money management.
Check out my conversation with financial adviser and investment broker, Chris Harrell. He is an experienced and insightful financial professional. We have a very practical and helpful discussion that should be practical, unintimidating, and very helpful. He has a wealth of advice.
#MoneyMondays w/ @artiskeith
EDUCATION IS THE BEST ECONOMIC STIMULUS! Talking with Jay Rhodes about steps to financing a college education.
❌Investing strategies and perspectives
❌Personal savings strategies
❌What should I invest in?
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Money Monday’s is a simple effort to build awareness about personal finance, talking to kids about money, problems saving money, insurance products, tax prep, investing, wealth building issues and general money topics that can be intimidating to some of us. We bring on professionals weekly to have a casual conversation about money and related issues.
Hopefully, we all can learn a bit more from our guests! *check out last weeks episode.
Email questions for MONEY Monday’s to [email protected]
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