Paying kids for chores sound like a brilliant idea up until the moment one of your kids casually waves their hand at you and says, “Nah. You know what Mom, I’m actually enjoying my book here, I’m not interested in the money today, you can go ahead and do the dishes for me instead.” That’s typically when parents say, “Nope, we’re not playing this game. You're gonna do your job because you live in this house”. Today we’re going to discuss the Moneypants rules to follow when someone in the family neglects to do their job for any reason. After all, the jobs in the house aren’t optional. You can’t just let dishes or garbage pile up. Someone has to do them. Today we’ll discuss how to keep the home running smoothly and fairly whether some is unavailable, sick or simply refuses to do their part. Plus, we’ll share the simple solution of what to do when your teenager starts making money flipping burgers and mistakenly thinks it means they no longer need to help out around the house.