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FAQs about Monkcraft Podcast:How many episodes does Monkcraft Podcast have?The podcast currently has 80 episodes available.
July 12, 2021Here We Go AgainGulvan sits down with Bablyonius and discusses all things Windwalker in this 9.1 Raid pre-cursor. We talk about Blizzard design, how things are looking, and what motivates class changes. Show Links Babylonius @BabyloniusMonk Peak of Serenity Podcast...more1h 14minPlay
November 16, 2020On the Brink of ShadowlandsGulvan sits down with Riggnaros to discuss the upcoming expansion and thoughts on raiding, group composition, recent Blizzard developer drama, and some interesting predictions! Show Links Riggnaros @Riggnaros
November 02, 2020A Viable HealerGulvan and Suplift sit down to discuss the latest in Shadowlands for the Mistweaver, Shadowlands raids from a healer perspective, discussions on Mistweaver design and functionality, and the drama surrounding feedback. Show Links Suplift @suplift BDGG...more59minPlay
October 05, 2020Are We Still Bad?Gulvan and Babylonius discuss Windwalkers in Shadowlands, why the damage has always been so inconsistant, and if there is any hope for the spec going forward. Show Links Babylonius @BabyloniusMonk Peak of Serenity...more1h 15minPlay
July 05, 2020The ReturnWe are back! After a long haitus we come back to discuss the current events with someone in the scene. This show is dedicated to the memory of Stephen “Hasteur” Lecheler, who was a pillar of the World of Warcraft Podcast Community, and a friend. You will be missed. Show Links Riggnaros @Riggnaros
July 23, 2017What Legendary Use?After a long break we are back talking about windwalkers! We discuss gear, design strategy, and how monks fair in the recent raid release. Show Links Bablyonius @BabyloniusMonk Hinalover @hinalover...more1h 25minPlay
April 10, 2017The Tomb of WindwalkersIs Legion the Tomb of Windwalkers? We talk about viability, windwalker design, thoughts on balancing challenges, and talk about a new community hub for monks! Show Links Babylonius @BabyloniusMonk Peak of Serenity...more1h 10minPlay
February 21, 2017An Olde Ye BrewmasterWhat is this? A brewmaster? What year is this???? We sat down with Blood Legion’s Riggnaros and talked at length about how brewmaster’s feel in Legion, what has he been up to and how casually raiding has treated him. Sit back and enjoy! Show Links Riggnaros @Riggnaros...more1hPlay
November 03, 2016When do we get flying???Do we have flying yet? A question and many more are answered when we sit down and try to not spoil how good Mistweavers are right now! We talk talents, artifact, raids and overall design in this pre-Blizzcon ep! Show Links Monkioh @Monkioh Ranor @ohgoditsranor Garg @Gargabrew...more1h 26minPlay
October 30, 2016Some Salty AirWith the arrival of 7.1, Blizzcon in the forefront and Legion in the midst of the Legion expansion we sat down to talk about stats, priority, forecasting changes and what our thoughts are going forward. Show Links Bablyonius @BabyloniusMonk Hinalover @hinalover...more1h 3minPlay
FAQs about Monkcraft Podcast:How many episodes does Monkcraft Podcast have?The podcast currently has 80 episodes available.