Myrthe Frissen is my guest today. She is the founder of Vegetables Without Border, which is an amazing project that was started in order to tackle food waste. However, once the project got going and started getting bigger, they realized it also helps bringing people together in meaningful ways, and it promotes healthy eating to people.
So Myrthe is an MD herself, and she’s specializing in environmental medicine, and in this conversation we talk about vegetables without borders, we talk about what made her go vegan, why she doesn’t every really bring up that she is vegan, apart from in this conversation because I asked her, and we talk about changing human behaviour. And then in the end we also talk about why she decided to no longer work in the hospital.
Vegetables Without Borders:
Vegetables Without Borders (VWB) is a volunteer organization that saves surplus food from ending in the trash by cooking up a storm of delicious plant-based dishes and inviting fellow citizens for a free buffet.* The Rotterdam born initiative ended in the top 5 of national volunteer organizations in 2018, and is was invited to speak at the first edition of topconference “The Netherlands making an impact” (NMI). *Due to the measures concerning the coronacrisis the community center closed and the volunteers have set up the first 100% vegan foodbank to redirect their usual wastestreams to the people most in need, a spin-off named “Veggies to the Rescue”.
About Myrthe
Myrthe Frissen is a medical doctor and clinical researcher currently specializing in environmental medicine. You can contact her for further information about Vegetables Without Borders, plantbased nutrition and its environmental as well as health effects, zero-waste-cooking, recommendations for healthcare providers such as dieticians or any other question that come to mind after hearing this podcast (including how to be optimistic about hopeless futures).
If you are ever in Rotterdam or Schiedam feel free to drop by the project and have dinner with us (reservations are recommended).
Mentioned Article (about the journalist who asked how she could be so happy)
Media Report VWB
The Game Changers
Forks Over Knives