Feeling like a loser in life? Maybe you aren't and maybe that failure isn't you but your systems failing you? In today's episode we examine two kinds of failure with one very common denominator, and some recommended solutions for understanding how to deal with them.
Epic failures require some time to construct, and a combination of things to be in place, often unchecked or resolved. The explosion in the Beirut, Lebanon port in August 2020.
Our first segment is a soothing sound byte to calm your jangled nerves. A personal message from me to you during these uncertain times. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and let yourself feel nurtured for the 90 seconds of the message.
Our second narrated is called "The thee stages of failure (and how to fix them). It is an excellent article that will help you better understand how to navigate those tricky moments in life when your choices seem to be bleak or redundant. The written article is here: https://jamesclear.com/3-stages-of-failure
Then prepare to listen to our first narrated article is the NYT article that details how the Beirut port explosion was created and only needed the final spark to set it off. Link to article with graphics is here: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/09/09/world/middleeast/beirut-explosion.html
As always, you can reach me on
www.morelovelessnoise.com (my website and blog)
www.niteflirt.com/governesse_samois (discrete, dirty talking phone calls, audio erotica, videos and pics for sale)
Twitter: @XOSamois (me being me, and occasional fluff)
www.curiouscat.me/morelovelessnoise (ask your questions anonymously here)