**NOTE: This episode was recorded prior to renaming the show More Money, More Profits.
OMG! stop copy-catting successful brands.
The final fake out between Survey Sparrow and Social Animal
And, do people read online? Or is everyone a “Skimmer?”
Plus, always be specific. Except when you shouldn’t be specific and Call-to-Action help you can apply today.
All this and more in our never-ending quest to help you be more profitable with your existing audience.
OMG stop copy-catting successful brands.
The final fake out between Survey Sparrow and Social Animal
And, do people read online? Or is everyone a “Skimmer?”
Plus, always be specific. Except when you shouldn’t be specific and Call-to-Action help you can apply today.
All this and more in our never-ending quest to help you be more profitable with your existing audience.
**NOTE: This episode was recorded prior to renaming the show More Money, More Profits.