If you could live this past year all over again, what would you do differently? With the perspective and insight that you have now, you could have put yourself in a much better position than where you are now, right? Even if your current situation is already very good, the chances are great that you could have lived life this past year with more certainty and poise. Let's use the intelligence that we can gain by looking back to make next year an awesome one.
HERE'S THE OFFER I MADE DURING THIS LIVE VIDEO - RANDOM COACHING CALLS - Send me an email at [email protected] or private message me here on this Facebook page www.facebook.com/SkipLaCourPage): 1) Your name 2) Your age 3) Your Telephone number 4) The biggest challenge that you are facing in your life right now.
These podcasts are done live on video every morning at 10 am (Eastern) / 7 am (Pacific) at www.facebook.com/SkipLaCourPage and simultaneously on Periscope @skiplacoour.
Or, go here and fill out this form: www.skiplacourcoaching.com/mc.
Skip La Cour helps ambitious men understand and execute effective leadership and influence strategies to reach their goals in life with more clarity and confidence.
Visit the MANformation Confidence and Leadership website at www.MANformation.com.
Do you have a challenge you need some help solving? If your question is selected to be answered during one of these daily videos, you'll win a free follow up coaching call for a deeper explanation of your details, greater insight, and more clarity.