I understand this is a very sensitive topic for many people, as stated inside the video. I do not want to make light of the pandemic. Many people are suffering from COVID-19 and I encourage everybody to get the vaccine— because for most of us it may be safer than the alternative. If you are concerned your body may not be able to handle the vaccine then you may definitely be worried about COVID-19.
I also want to say that it is your choice to take the vaccine, people should not be imposing their own beliefs upon you. If they are concerned about COVID-19 the vaccine is available for them and their loved ones. The CDC has encouraged immunocompromised people to take the vaccine, so there are very few people who cannot receive the vaccine. If your body can naturally fight COVID-19 why should you be expected to become vaccinated? We are not allowed to ask this question honestly without being met by criticism. People will tell you that “you do not understand,“ or “you do not believe in science.” However, it is very important for us to stand against ideologies tearing us apart and support each other with our own decisions for our own bodies. Having had COVID-19 I know that the vaccine was more harmful to me than the actual virus, and I will not be receiving any booster shots or additional COVID-19 vaccines due to that. In addition, we are not providing care in the form of any medical support to those who are experiencing negative effects from the COVID-19 vaccine. When I received a COVID-19 vaccine I was uninsured, and I was informed by the CDC that there was no medical relief for me if I were to go to the hospital when I was suffering from my symptoms. I had my first ever migraine they kept me up for two days, I was disoriented and had a fever. I felt like I was going to die. However, the only way I could go to a hospital was if I was willing to be billed. All this for a vaccine that I didn’t want to get in the first place for myself.
If we want to encourage people to get the vaccine we should resolve the healthcare issue in this country with universal healthcare. We should put caps on the cost of medical supplies so astronomical prices are not exercised in the hospital and medical practice. We should compensate our doctors, nurses, and medical practitioners, and stop privatizing the industry in general.