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The Moskona Audio New Testament (TBL) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible. For a list of other available languages go to our website at The mission of Faith Com... more
FAQs about Moskow Alkitab (Non-didramatisasi) - Moskona Bible (Non Dramatized):How many episodes does Moskow Alkitab (Non-didramatisasi) - Moskona Bible (Non Dramatized) have?The podcast currently has 260 episodes available.
December 30, 2009Matius 2 - Matthew 2Yesus keluarganya pindah - Jesus' family moves to Egypt, then to Galilee....more9minPlay
December 30, 2009Matius 3 - Matthew 3Yohanes Pembaptis - Jesus' way is paved by John the baptist....more7minPlay
December 30, 2009Matius 4 - Matthew 4Yesus diuji oleh Iblis - Jesus is tested by Satan....more7minPlay
December 30, 2009Matius 5 - Matthew 5Yesus - kebahagiaan & hukum - Jesus preaches on happiness and on the law....more19minPlay
December 30, 2009Matius 6 - Matthew 6Yesus - showiness dan khawatir - Jesus preaches on showiness and on worry....more16minPlay
December 30, 2009Matius 7 - Matthew 7Providence dan buah - Jesus preaches on providence and on fruit-bearing....more11minPlay
December 30, 2009Matius 9 - Matthew 9Yesus menyembuhkan dan Matius disebut - Jesus heals more and calls Matthew....more14minPlay
December 30, 2009Matius 10 - Matthew 10Yesus mengutus dua belas murid - Jesus sends out twelve disciples....more15minPlay
FAQs about Moskow Alkitab (Non-didramatisasi) - Moskona Bible (Non Dramatized):How many episodes does Moskow Alkitab (Non-didramatisasi) - Moskona Bible (Non Dramatized) have?The podcast currently has 260 episodes available.