-How Rebecca came to know the circumstances in which she was conceived...01:30Feeling targeted by society due to the "rape exception" clause in most abortion laws
-A brief history of abortion law and activism in the United States...05:10Physicians and feminists originally fought to make abortion illegal in the mid-Nineteenth Century
"Rape exception" clause was added in a few states in the late 1960's
5 states still have anti-abortion laws on the books, but are superseded by Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade in 1973
Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe) never had an abortion as it was denied in Texas courts
"Retroactive death penalty" for the child that Ms. McCorvey bore
-The journey to becoming an internationally-known pro-life advocate...08:05Wanted to be an attorney from the age of 10
Inspired by The Verdict w/ Paul Newman
Loved superhero movies
Notable cases in her early career:
Frozen embryo case in Michigan
Woman sued for breach of contract by not having an abortion
12 year old girl raped by 14 year old brother
Woman raped in a group home
Abortion is used to destroy evidence of rape
Clients found her in the Yellow Pages; not aware of her history and convictions
Terminating parental rights of rapists
-Rebecca's spiritual redemption, and how it affected her self-perception...15:30Became saved at age 15, but fell away after feeling unwelcome by friends at church, as well as learning her history
Got back into the church after a fight w/ her boyfriend while in law school (Scriptures that speak of adoption): Rom. 8:15, 8:23, 9:4; Gal. 4:5; Eph. 1:5
James 1:27 "Pure religion" is to care for the orphans and widows (Ezekiel 16) depiction of a castaway orphan showing God's heart toward what man has rejected
-Spiritual warfare in Rebecca's cases...19:45Objections from opposing counsel similar to vampires shrieking at the sign of a crucifix
-How Rebecca's words are received by those who claim to care for women's rights...26:45"If I don't have the right to life, what right do I have?"
Put it out there up front, it's disarming
-Changing hearts and minds of influential policymakers...32:26Most prominent are Gov. Rick Perry and Rep. Newt Gingrich
Citizens United
"The Gift of Life w/ Gov. Mike Huckabee" film
Personhood org
"Such as a time as this" re: Queen Esther from the Bible
Resources mentioned in this episode: (Save the 1 Organization founded by Rebecca) (Rebecca's personal website)
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