147 dates later, 21 fartgun solute, 626-584-5723, Alec Medlock, All For One I Swear, and don’t dont go nuts with the sprinkles, and here’s heres a tip instead of tazing people and kidnapping them maybe you should just give them a call, And welcome to the mall family, andre robinson, anti villain league, april winchell, Are you going to marry Lucy, ava acres, AVL, Baby Blues, Bailey Gambertoglio, Bake my Day, Banco, because my house is made of candy and sometimes I eat instead of facing my problems, believe my friend I to have spent many nights drowning my sorrows in guacamole, benjamin bratt, Bob the Minion, bruce-willis, Casey Simpson, Claira Nicole Titman, come on let’s finally put this horrible jelly to good use, curses foiled again these guys captured me, Dana Gaier, danny-mann, debi-derryberry, Despicable Me Chris Renaud, Doctor Nefario, Dr. Nefario, Eagle Hair Club, Eduardo’s secret recipe, El Bandido, El Macho, elsie-fisher, eva-bella, Fit To Be Bride, Floyd Eagleson, Game Over Arcade, Georgia Cook, Golem, good day Mr Sheepsbutt, Gruzinklebell, Gur’s back in the garme, Ha boobie, Happy Birthday Agnus, He died in the most macho way possible riding a shark with 250 pounds of dynamite strapped to his chest into the mouth of an active volcano, I choose Gru, I hope you can sleep at night you crusher of little girls dreams, I just did a boom boom, I know someone who’s husband just died, I mean I’m happy to create an evil army to destroy the world but nobody messes with my family, I promise this will transform you from ugly to irresistible, I really hate that chicken, I’d like to make some toast, I’m not scared of women or dates, It’s like she’s been shot with a mild moose tranquilizer, jack-angel, jan-rabson, jess-harnell, jim-ward, john-cygan, just because everybody hates it doesn’t mean it’s not good, katie-silverman, ken-jeong, Kevin the Minion, kristen-schaal, kristen-wiig, laraine-newman, Let’s try again but this time a little bit less like a zombie, Lisa’s got Gruddies, lori-alan, Lucy Wilde, Mason McNulty, may yama lama ding dong who cares, mickie-mcgowan, Miranda Cosgrove, Moises Arias, mona-marshall, Mums The Word Floral Shop, my dream one day is to play video games for a living, Nasim Pedrad, Nickolai Stoilov, oh and just between you and me you look much better bald, oh this aint’ a jelly gun sunshine, Paradise Mall, Paradise Theatre, physical fitness is very important to Shannon, pierre-coffin, PX Labs, PX-41, PX-41 Antidote, russell-brand, Salsa & Salsa Restaurant, She kisses my boo boos she braids my hair we love you mothers everywhere and my new mom Lucy is beyond compare, she’s a nutjob and I’m not going on any date, sherry lynn, Silus Rambottom, Somebody’s going to die tonight, somehow in spite of your incompetence we solved this one, Sorry guess you kinda need your arms to tread water huh, stealing the moon are you kidding me we would be instoppable, steve-carell, steve-coogan, Stuart the Minion, Stuff A Bear, Swoosh Watch, that polo is loco, the Dancing Chimpanzee, The Minion Movie Auditions, The only thing they ever found was a pile of singed chest hair, there’s an image I’ll never get out of my brain, those girls simply adore you I bet you’re a fun dad, to the bride and Gru, Top Secret Research Laboratory Arctic Circle, transmutation syrum, turns out you were right about the whole El Macho thing, vanessa-bayer, Villain.com, we could’ve ruled the world together Gru but now you’re gonna die, what celebrity do you look like, what is wrong with that chicken, Wool Street, you are bald and that is bad, You have not lost your touch my friend, you know as far as dates go I think I’m good with just the one, you know you really should announce your weapons after you fire them, you usually don’t see that in bunnies, You’ve been in the Veteran’s Day pageant and you’ve never been in combat, your accent is so exotic I know someone who can fix it you’ll be talking normal in no time, your head is really smooth sometimes I look at it and imagine a little chick popping out, Zapp