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Every Sunday, Pastor Jack would say, “If you will grab hold of this message, it will change your life,” and we can all vouch that it did. Pastor Jack Ruth, or Pastor Jack, as we called him, and Peggy ... more
FAQs about Mr. Peggy Joyce Ruth:How many episodes does Mr. Peggy Joyce Ruth have?The podcast currently has 17 episodes available.
February 23, 2025Preparing For Revival - January 1997How do you prepare for revival? When we are faithful in the small things God has given us to steward, God brings the increase. In the gospels, God entrusted more to the servants who were faithful with the talents He gave them. He cast out the one who did nothing with what he was given. When we faithfully do the small things, we can be trusted with the big things. That is when God will bring revival. ...more44minPlay
December 19, 2024The History and Future of Israel - July 1996Our heritage as Christians and our future are wrapped up in the nation of Israel. The Jewish Nation carries with it a blessing but much of the current hatred toward the Jews dates back to writings from the early 1900s. Those writings were used to brainwash concentration camp soldiers, and those ideas are still influencing culture today. It is the blessing of the Lord that causes Jewish people to rise to the top of every society. We have a lot to learn from our Jewish heritage. Truly, those who bless Israel are blessed, and those who curse Israel are cursed. ...more47minPlay
October 06, 2024Our Authority Comes From Speaking HIs Word - June 1997We cannot lose unless we give up. Our words cause us either to give up or to overcome in life. The children of Israel brought back bad words after spying out the Promise Land. It cost them 40 years. How much have our negative words cost us? We must remove evil reports from our vocabulary and put God's report on our tongue....more52minPlay
August 22, 2024Why Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - June 1998Are we going to choose the high road or the low road? People ask, "Why would I receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? I received the Holy Spirit when I was saved." And you did. It is impossible to get saved without the Holy Spirit, but there are two experiences. Jesus breathed on His disciples in John 20:22, and they received the Holy Spirit. It wasn't until Acts 2 that they received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the boldness and power that came with it. ...more55minPlay
August 08, 2024Robbed of Blessings - September 1996Many people are robbed of God's blessing because they lack an understanding of what God has for them. The law of sowing and reaping governs all other laws. The more we give in any area of life, the more we will increase. The more we hoard back, the more we fall into poverty. If you are only giving to receive, you'll be stuck, but if you give to give again, God will bless you. ...more50minPlay
July 03, 2024There is a God - July 1996Psalms 14:1 says, "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God,'" and Romans 1:18-19 says, "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness because that which is known about God is evident within them." As believers, we need to be ready to speak the truth to awaken in mankind what they know to be true—that there is a living God. ...more36minPlay
June 13, 2024God's Gift of a Name - Father's Day 1996God cares about His name, and we should as well. Your name has great meaning and importance attached to it. A good name is to be more desired than great wealth. - Proverbs 22:1. Our reputation creates the name we pass on to our family and future generations. We should work to ensure our name is a good gift to our family. ...more40minPlay
May 22, 2024No Small Miracles - August 1996From the story of Naaman: To see a miracle, God must be our source, the Word of God must be our final authority, we must become a joyful giver, we need to expect a miracle, and we must do spiritual warfare to get rid of Satan. ...more39minPlay
April 28, 2024Exercising Spiritual Authority - May 1997We must understand the power we have over the enemy. If we don't understand our spiritual authority the devil will beat up on us, but if we know our authority we can send him running. When Jesus walked the earth He prayed all night long and then commanded all day long. We are to do the same with the authority that has been given to us....more44minPlay
April 10, 2024Growing In Faith And Hearing God - November 1996The world’s logic seems right because most people operate from it. But when we are led by logic or the facts, it is always the fact we don't know that messes everything up. That is why we must grow in faith and be led by the voice of the Lord. God has seen the end from the beginning, and His voice will help us navigate what we don’t see coming. (Jack was on the School Board years ago and worked to keep the students from using the Lord's name in vain which was in the script of a play.)...more53minPlay
FAQs about Mr. Peggy Joyce Ruth:How many episodes does Mr. Peggy Joyce Ruth have?The podcast currently has 17 episodes available.