Vas Todoriko leads an engaging and lively roundtable discussion with songwriters Jake Elliott of Acre(s), and Will Breman. All Santa Barbara based, Vas, Jake, and Will pull back the layers on their process for creativity. We hear a live performance from Jake, as well as one original song from each person (including Steven). We also hear songs which inspire us.
Artist Links:
Will Breman:
Jake Elliott
Vas Todoriko (The Peer Council):
-Song List-
Vas Todoriko (original) The Peer Council “Disillusion.”
(inspiration) Bleachers “Don’t Take the Money”
Jake Elliott (original) “The Wheel”
(inspiration) Jon Foreman “Terminal”
Will Breman (original) “Olive Trees”
(inspiration) Mount Eerie “Tintin in Tibet”
Steven Sysum (original) “Mis Cambios”
(inspiration) Nick Mulvey “Fever to the Form”