Former WWSU DJ and co-host of "The Anthony and Todd Show" Trevor Abele joins the podcast to discuss growing up with classic rock and the effects that streaming and YouTube have had on the music industry. We also debate whether Gene Simmons is correct in saying rock is dead.
Catch "The Anthony and Todd Show" on YouTube here:
Listen to DarkoTheSuper through his Soundcloud account:
Read Gene Simmons' full opinion on whether young people are killing rock music:
How much artists are paid through streaming services. This is a better article than the one we cited, and the math lines up:
Rick Beato's video on receiving a copyright strike:
This podcast was produced by Jack Patton.
Intro and outro music: "Dawning of a New Age" by Squire Tuck
Musical breaks: "Unfinished Business" and "A Journey In To The Great Unknown" by Squire Tuck.
Available under a Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License.