Rogue polo balls, sweltering heat and discriminatory work messages feature in our eighth episode. Simone Willis is our special guest - she is a PhD researcher in musicians’ stress and wellbeing at Cardiff Metropolitan University and gives some useful tips and advice on how to manage performance anxiety and maintain musicians’ wellbeing. Finally, a rather comical weird gig set in Hyde Park precedes our personal recommendations for festivals to attend during the summer.
BBC Proms catch-up and Extra episodes:
Charles Castronovo saves La Boheme performance at the Royal Opera House
Simone’s Conversation Article:
Orchestras Live:
Simone’s book recommendations on managing performance anxiety:
- The Confident Performer by David Roland
The Inner Game of Music - Barry Green and Timothy GallweyThe Musician’s Way: A Guide to Practice, Performance, and Wellness - Gerald KlicksteinPower Performance for Singers: Transcending the Barriers - Shirley Emmons and Alma Thomas. The Psychology of Music Performance Anxiety by Diana KennyWaterperry Opera Festival:
Snape Maltings Proms:
Southwell Music Festival:
Tete a Tete Opera Festival: