This interview with Bradley, also known as @bradleyarrow, on the blockchain was recorded on January 18th, 2021 while he was in his car on his way to his day job.
Bradley fits working his online business in the time he has before work and in the evening. In this time he creates content including a vlog and a typed blog post on Hive and engages with other peoples' posts by upvoting, curating, and commenting. He runs a curation trail on Hive Vote and whoever follows that curation trail automatically gets their posts upvoted and upvotes other posts. Because you can't be online twenty fours hours a day and curation is a very important part of the Hive community.
Bradley is also an author of the I Am Alive ebook that was created to go along with the I Am Alive Challenge. Bradley is another example of the fact that it is very possible and doable to run a business online with whatever time you have available in your day and are willing to devote to it.
Thank you for taking the time to chat with me about how you prioritize your days.