Rob Wilkins is a highly experienced leader in learning & development, information management systems and data analytics.
He’s worked in CBA, PWC, IBM, St George, AMP, Aussie Home Loans, the NSW Department of Education and now at Catholic Education.
Rob shares the importance of great leadership - how a great mentor can transform your career - and the lessons he’s applied to lead teams successfully.
We discuss the importance of taking care of yourself in a corporate career, how being encouraged to keep pushing through can be damaging for our mental health and physical wellbeing, with some of the warning signs you should watch out for.
Go to the website for tips and tools for the content covered in this episode of my career habit with Rob Wilkins.
my career habit is the podcast where professionals share how they have taken control of their career to support the life they want to lead.
Each week Steve Kimmens interviews professionals to share my career habit – the experiences, skills and insights that have helped people to make their job work for them.