Building Wise Families

My Child's Anxiety is Making Me Anxious! with Katie Wetsell

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#002 - Katie Wetsell of Parent With Hope joins Alan & Corrie to help us understand why our children experience anxiety and how to help them without becoming anxious parents. 

Episode Notes

[1:16] - Katie's story of learning about anxiety and OCD in two different sons
[9:07] - Professional help is great, but what do PARENTS do about their child's anxiety?
[11:06] - How does anxiety show up in your child (control, negativity, aggression, etc.)?
[15:30] - 3 signs your child might have anxiety beyond normal levels and may need professional help
[18:35] - How is OCD different than anxiety?
[24:22] - How can parents navigate anxiety in their children with wisdom?
[25:36] - Two typical parenting responses to anxiety
[28:42] - Empathizing AND Coaching your child through anxiety
[29:45] - Validating feelings without validating a false reality
[31:30] - Externalizing your child's anxiety
[35:07] - The importance of moving beyond empathy to coach your child
[37:57] - Role Play: Separation Anxiety


  • Click here to see Katie's Resources page.

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Building Wise FamiliesBy Alan & Corrie

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