Episode 6 Show Notes
Ever have those fan boy/fan girl moments where you get to talk with someone who you’ve admired for years?
Yeah that was this episode.
I got to talk with none other than Brett Terpstra who:
Wrote for The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
Worked at AOL
Was the developer behind Engadget and TechCrunch
Created the Markdown fork of Notational Velocity nvAlt
Created the Markdown processor-Swiss Army knife Marked 2
Podcaster: Systematic and Overtired (with Christina Warren)
Creating a new, super version an new Markdown editor nvUltra
And is now working at Oracle as a developer evangelistWe talk about creating writing apps, keyboards, Markdown, and even get a special tip how to take a mind map, preview it in Marked 2, and kick start your writing.
Oh and I also learned I need to watch my levels better when recording with people. Don’t worry, you’ll understand when you listen.
Music as always by Derek K. Miller.