After a long hiatus and a bit of a delay on posting this epic episode, I am SO excited to share this conversation with Tonia Chazanow from @Humanandholy , a podcast focused on Jewish women talking about Torah and the lived experience of our Judaism.
In this episode we unpack:
-How to stop waiting for Moshiach AND your personal aspirations
-Stepping into the darkness to attain your unique light
-How to try less and let H’ fill in the blanks
-The power of achdut
-How to find an anchor in these challenging times
-Leading from an authentic place
-How and why it's really NOT about you...
Check out Human and Holy here:
*Be sure to check out her episode I reference at the beginning of the podcast called “Why I Am No Longer Waiting for Moshiach” -
Instagram: @humanandholy