Doing Business with Local Government A Guide for property developers Peter George podcast with Will Mallard EPISODE #275
Super episode on public sector interaction for private property developers, really interesting for anyone that works in or with local councils.
Peter is the current REIF public sector pioneer of the year for Real Estate, immediate past Director of Development of Enfield Council including a six billion pound regeneration scheme and is incoming Strategic Director of Economy and Sustainability for Ealing Council including capital programs, housing, planning with over twenty years of public sector experience.
We cover:
1. How the private sector should approach and engage with local government in order to do business.
2. How to gain access at the right level to progress opportunities.
3. Understanding the political make-up, the two most common structures of councils and their dimensions.
4. How to talk the language of local government and to push the right buttons to get buy-in from officers who make decisions or can help your business.
5. The importance of research including a twenty minute fast track suggestion.
6. How to get an alignment of objectives and value in a way that works for both parties as well as the community.
7. What can make your offer unique and compelling.
8. The common ways councils sell land and properties (this is an excellent overview and includes some insights on best opportunities).
9. What council officers need to see to back you.
10. How to get a face to face meeting and why this is so important to your success.
11. Why delivery counts.
12. Managing and maintaining relationships overtime.
13. Dealing with staff changes in the council.
14. The difference approaching a council where you already have land versus a new one as an outsider.
He can be contacted on Linkedin.
Will Mallard is a social impact investor focused on English housing portfolios.
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