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Christian Motivational Speaking. Love. Hope. Peace. Are you struggling? Even if your not a christian there's something here for you. Join me on this journey together for peace, hope and a place to k... more
FAQs about My Story - His Story - Our Journey:How many episodes does My Story - His Story - Our Journey have?The podcast currently has 91 episodes available.
April 19, 20241st John Chapter 2Come with me as we continue on in the study of First learning how to be able to tell the difference between those that love the Lord and our following his purpose and way, or those that continue in their own lifestyle and worldly desires. John urges us to know the difference between the two....more39minPlay
April 04, 20241st John Chapter 1Come with us as we start an expository teaching on th com e 1st , 2nd and 3rd John. Let’s see what John has to say to those believers that he is trying to reach with these epistles. John clearly teaches the difference between being a believer and being someone that walks in darkness and how we can tell the difference....more38minPlay
March 07, 2024Be A True FriendCan you say you’re honestly a true friend? Does our lifestyle show that we are true friends to those that are around us? How do we know and is there a way that we can know that we are showing true love and friendship? Come with me on this journey, where we can see four men that are true friends, and prove themselves to be to this one gentleman. Mark chapter 2.:1-12...more41minPlay
February 15, 2024Lead with CompassionAre you lead with compassion on people? Can you say yes to that same question for those who have hurt you? Used you? Hate you? Come with me on this journey through the scriptures where Jesus demonstrates the kind of compassion he wants us to demonstrate through his power. He has set the example for us in the scriptures. Can wet love and have compassion on those that we feel are less deserving....more40minPlay
January 25, 2024Be a BarnabasWelcome to season four of My story, His story Our journey. Let’s start our season with a simple question. Do you have a Barnabas in your life? Are you a Barnabas to someone else? Can we actually say that we need a Barnabas and we should be more like Barnabas.? Will come with me on this journey of the story of the apostle Paul, Barnabas, and John Mark see how other brothers in Christ has struggled. See what being a Barnabas looks like you start your new year out with the heart of Christ. Loving and encouraging those around us....more36minPlay
December 22, 2023What shall I bringGold, frankincense and mrryh was what the three Wiseman brought before our baby Jesus. What do you bring? Not just when you leave this earth and you lay crowns before his feet but what do you have to bring to him today throughout your life can your life represent the gold, frankincense and Myrrh right now? Come with me on this journey that the Lord took me on for me to think about what I have to offer him now am I coming before king with gifts or am I coming before king empty-handed?...more29minPlay
November 30, 2023Light and SaltDo you know that we are told to be salt and light as Christian believers? What exactly does salt and light do. When Jesus tells us to be salt and light, what is he referring to come with me on this journey today and we will see just exactly what benefits we get from salt and light, and how we should be that salt and light to the Earth and people around us....more44minPlay
October 27, 2023Don’t DoubtHave you ever found yourself doubting God’s promises? You pray for something for such a long time and yet it still has not happened. And the Satan whisper lies to your mind. “I doubt if that will happen.” “ I doubt that he hears you.” You might as well give up. What about do you doubt his salvation or he is who he said he was? Please join me on this journey through the scriptures and meet another gentleman that was very known for doubting. Yes, there was actually a beloved disciple that struggled with doubting. Follow me through the scriptures of the book of John chapter 20 :11-30...more38minPlay
October 05, 2023The Holy GhostDo you honestly feel we give credit to the third part of the triune God? My question is how much of a relationship do you have with the Holy Ghost? We often find ourselves talking to God, the father and God, this son do we give credit and acknowledgment to God the Spirit? I would have to say I fall short please come with me on this journey into the Scriptures showing us just how important the Holy Ghost is in our life, and what all responsibilities he has, in guiding, teaching, convicting……. And so on maybe then we can appreciate him for who he is....more37minPlay
September 14, 2023My CrossHave you ever wondered what Jesus meant by pick up your cross and follow me? Well we’re going to go through some scriptures to see Jesus his warnings of what could happen to us just by being a follower of his Jesus made it very clear to those around him that there would be a cost. Why is it, that we ignore his warnings. Why do we believe our life should just be blessed and always happy come with me on this journey, as we learn the truth of the cost of being a disciple of Jesus Christ....more39minPlay
FAQs about My Story - His Story - Our Journey:How many episodes does My Story - His Story - Our Journey have?The podcast currently has 91 episodes available.