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By My Two Cent
11 ratings
The podcast currently has 26 episodes available.
March 16, 2020, and we are in the third month of the first quarter, and we’re getting off to a great start. Well not really, due to recent current and worldwide events, a sense of uncertainty that has swept the world. The uncertainty causes fear and the human need to feel secure and safe. Our basic needs have been threatened, such as our ability to make money, our children being out of school, which filled a child care gap, and a highly contagious virus that could potentially cause devastation, much like the Spanish Flu of 1918. Food and water supplies in stores are becoming scarce with empty shelves.
What is there to do but change, grow, and evolve, it’s evident that this whole world is changing and moving. The question becomes, can we adapt to the ever-changing world? I will adapt, transform, and come out of my comfort zone. Clearly, this is a wake-up call for all humanity to detach yourselves from the familiar. You have to step out and BE someone new.
Peace and love,
The podcast currently has 26 episodes available.