Green Your Life! Autumn 🍂 Equinox Cleanse
Have you have been neglecting your body or felt your body is mistreating you this Summer?
Are incessant thoughts and overthinking running your day?
Do you feel energetically drained, disconnected and out of alignment with your purpose and passion?
Learn which foods to eat while nourishing and restoring your mind, body and emotions.
Green Your Life! Autumn Equinox Cleanse with Nurya Saffron Bey gets you back to what’s vital, sacred and essential for living your best life.
In our most comprehensive cleanse to date, we're offering:
* seasonal soups + salads + herbal cleansing package
* 9 day cleanse guide + seasonal recipes
* yoga + mindful meditation + lifestyle coaching
* everything from the comfort of your home
The #AutumnalEquinox is upon us.
Time for New Beginnings! It is the season of harvest.
Shifting & Balancing with the Seasons is essential to Maintain Health.🌿
Gathering healthy fuel (food, herbs, and supplements) are essential now. Preparing for the colder months ahead will activate the mind & body for detoxification.
The focus in Autumn 🍂 is on detoxification, the lungs & the small intestines.
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