Episode 02 of our Fiasco Special. Fiasco is a GM-less, role-playing game that focuses on relationships. Slopes is still waiting to get her jacket from her best friend, Bébé. Standt and Bull have a hard conversation. Mythical is present by the team at Pokémon Podcast (@pokemonpodcast), It’s Super Effective. This episode was
produced and edited by Steve Black Jr. (@draggingalake). Standt Willow was played by Logan (@loganjenkins), Bébé was played by Greg (@whitewing), Vanil Swinu was played by Travis (@thetravisw), Mala S. "Slopes" Lopes was played by Irene (@devoncarrots), and Bull Granburk was played by Micah (@micahthebrave). All the music in this episode was produced by Nick Burgess (@doctorburgess). Please support Nick and check his music at nicholasburgess.com Logos and Graphics for Mythical were created by Steve Black Jr. Illustrations for Mythical were created by Micah The Brave If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review in iTunes or support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/itssupereffective