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A sometimes snarky, often irreverent summary of Mythology by culture based on the literature that survives to our time and sometimes doesn't. Starting with Greek Myth with an attempt to keep to an int... more
FAQs about Mythology Translated Second Edition:How many episodes does Mythology Translated Second Edition have?The podcast currently has 104 episodes available.
November 07, 2018075.4 – Extra Credit 014 – Theoretical InvasionA look at the start of mainland Greece’s History, which is pretty boring at this point....more18minPlay
November 07, 201875.3 – Extra Credit 013 – The Guys With the Pretty StatuesLooking at the Cyclades Civilization at it’s start and height....more15minPlay
November 07, 2018075.2 – Extra Credit 013 – Tools Of The TradeContinuing the Bronze Age we look at how we have the information we do....more12minPlay
November 07, 2018075.1 – Extra Credit 012 – Recursive HistoryA Small break in topic where I spend some time talking about the actual history of Greece....more13minPlay
November 07, 2018063.5 – Extra Credit 011 – Euripides Medea or Athenian Playwrights are hard on mythA look at the play The Medea, the impact it most likely had upon it’s first audience and why the change in the myth...more37minPlay
November 07, 2018057.5 – Extra Credit 010 – Really Y’all? Pt 3 – In HookA short and snarky history of the Ptolemaic dynasty,Covering The Rest of the Royal Line, Ptolemy IX Soter II, Ptolemy X Alexander I, Cleopatra Berenice III Thea Philopator, Ptolemy XI Alexander II, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysus, Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator, Ptolemy XIII, Arsione IV, and Ptolemy XIV....more19minPlay
November 07, 2018056.5 – Extra Credit 009 – Really Y’all? Pt 2 – Stop DOING ThatA short and snarky history of the Ptolemaic dynasty,Covering: Ptolemy IV Philopater, Ptolemy V Epiphanes, Ptolemy VI Philometor, Cleopatra II, Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Kakaergetes) , Ptolemy VII Neo Philopater, Ptolemy IX Soter II,...more18minPlay
November 04, 2018055.5 – Extra Credit 008 – Really Y’all? Pt 1 The Good OnesA short and snarky history of the Ptolemaic dynasty,Covering: Ptolemy I Soter I, Ptolemy II Philadelphus, and Ptolemy III Euergetes I...more13minPlay
November 04, 2018054 – Extra Credit 007 – Book BurningA History of the Library of Alexandria...more16minPlay
November 04, 2018053.5 – Extra Credit 006 – Shades of LiesA discussion on different terms...more10minPlay
FAQs about Mythology Translated Second Edition:How many episodes does Mythology Translated Second Edition have?The podcast currently has 104 episodes available.