Two best friends talking about whatever we can think of. No direction, no leader, just tangents.... more
August 11, 2022Raining CrazySleepover discussions, driving in the rain, and lots of stupidity...more2h 7minPlay
July 22, 2021Back in Shack: Well MostlyBack in the shack we talk about characters from our favorite shows, our favorite pet names and more....more1h 57minPlay
July 14, 2021Failed Relationship: 101We talk about past relationships and all the dirt about what the heck went wrong....more1h 37minPlay
June 30, 2021Prison Break: Out of the ShackQ and A with some extra randomness to spice it up....more51minPlay
June 25, 2021Pilot: Flying BlindTwo best friends in a shack, talking about whatever pops in our head. From marvel to boyfriends we talk about it all....more1h 19minPlay