Dr. Walker is the Program Director, College of Business at South University in Savannah. She also teaches undergraduate and graduate-level business classes as well as master’s level classes in public and business administration.
She is also a public speaker, published author, Army Veteran, founder of the Black Girls Run Charleston Chapter, and she established the Walker Phenomenal Spirit Award that funds women’s dreams. So far, the award has provided assisted seven women in the fulfillment of their dreams.
I am so excited today to have her on my podcast to chat about her latest work in social justice in the yoga space.
Doretha created a continuing education class for yoga instructors called: Say Our Names
Because of the need for you to see all of us as people. People have names. We have names. We should be called by them.
A word of caution before we continue. This is not the sanitized version. Take everything you thought you knew about racism and slavery and put it to the side. Buckle up, because things are about to get very bumpy.
To learn more about the course, visit: https://readytoteachyoga.thinkific.com/courses/diversityinclusivitycourse
This is an honest, unedited version (because it should be, but also because I can't edit based on lack of skill).