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By Deborah Gandi
The podcast currently has 22 episodes available.
Creating a habit of daily Bible reading can be very difficult, especially if you have young children and lots of responsibilities at home! In this episode, Deborah shares top tips for how to choose a Bible reading plan and some actual Bible reading plan recommendations for you. This will help you choose and use a Bible reading plan so that you can get to know God better through His Word.
Find all the links to the Bible reading plans here.
Pregnancy can be a trying time, especially if you've experienced a loss before. In this episode, we cover miscarriage, sharing the news of pregnancy early, and if Christians should use the term "Rainbow Baby," we even get into the story of Noah and the Flood as we look into this term. But the big question when dealing with loss and further pregnancies is this, "Is God faithful?" Listen now to see that He truly is faithful and we can trust Him even in the difficult, anxiety-ridden times.
For more information and a transcript of this episode click here:
Stewarding our time and money well is one way we give glory to God. Having a capsule wardrobe will help you be a better steward. Here's how to do it! Click Here for all the resources and pictures mentioned.
In Genesis chapter 3 we see the fall of man, but we also see the grace from God even before He promises a Savior. Click here for all resources.
Scripture talks about modesty, but doesn't give specific guidelines. In this episode, we learn why modesty is important and why having a humble, modest attitude is as well.
Read this episode's contents here: Dressing Modestly on
History of the Swimsuit on Youtube
My blog post on For the Gospel's Website: "Does God Care What Women Wear?"
In this episode we talk about the next part in our Book by Book series: Genesis 3:1-7. Learn about Eve's conversation with the serpent and how we should not be deceived, how God uses snakes for His glory, and why we need clothing.
Read the contents of this episode (or just come to say hi!) here: Snakes, Deception, and Clothing on
How can we, as Christian mothers, handle screen time in a way that glorifies God? Let's chat about that today on the podcast!
All resources and links mentioned can be found here on my blog.
In this episode we cover the foundational doctrines in Genesis 2: Sabbath rest, creation of man and woman, and how that creation sets up gender roles for all of us today.
All resources mentioned can be found here on my blog.
Reading through the whole Bible in one month was challenging but very rewarding. Listen to the 4 lessons I learned and some tips for you to give it a try!
Click here for all resources and transcript.
Having a routine in our busy lives as mamas is really helpful and important. In this episode we'll dive into how to make a simple schedule so that your days are productive, not full of worry and procrastination.
Click here for all resources for this episode.
The podcast currently has 22 episodes available.