Just in time for Adoption Awareness Month, on this week's episode of Native As I Can Be I chat with Astrid Castro, a social worker specializing in adoption. We hear her story of being taken from Colombia, placed with a Caucasian family in the United States and eventually reuniting with her birth mom. We will also look at the complications and challenges of transracial adoptions and talk about her upcoming adoptee networking event in Portland "What IS Adoption Awareness Month?" This is a very interesting, inspiring and emotional episode, so hit that "play" button and join us. Thanks for listening!
You can find more information at astridcastroconsulting.com, on Instagram at drippingwithadoption, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/astridcastroconsulting/.
Astrid's event "WE The Experts: Adoptees Sharing Our Experiences" speakers series is Wednesday, November 13th, 6-8 pm at SE Uplift at 3534 SE Main St, Portland OR 97214. "November is Adoption Awareness Month. Join us to learn about the history of how November became designated for Adoption Awareness Month. We will have two panelist and myself (Astrid) discussing what ADOPTION AWARENESS means to each of us (for some it's a time to celebrate and for others it's a time for reflection, and a time to discuss adoption reform AND everything in between. EVERY ADOPTEE should be informed about the history of adoption in their country. Share what you know and learn what you don't :)"