On Wednesday 9th December, The NCS was lucky enough to host our latest guest speaker: The Rt. Hon. Sir Vince Cable.
Sir Vince has had a long and varied career; firstly in economics where he rose to become Chief Economist at Shell and later in politics. In 2010 he entered the cabinet as Business Secretary for the newly formed coalition government and as such Sir Vince is the first former Secretary of State we have had visiting our college.
His address touched on all these aspects of his previous career and also more broadly on the current state of the UK Economy, following the publication of his latest book: After The Storm. At the end, Sir Vince faced a number of interesting questions from students of Politics, Economics and History, covering a range of matters from the Syrian air strikes to the future of the Liberal Democrats.
Sir Vince’s visit was very well received: thoroughly enjoyed by all and prompting lots of follow-up discussions. It was a pleasure to host such an important political figure here at The NCS.