Cash, credit cards and…installment loans? There is a new kid in town, but should you use it? Buy now, pay later payment methods can be useful, but should you consider it? Drew and Cavan talk about what is Buy Now, Pay Later, and should you use it.
Welcome neighbors!
Don't want to watch the full episode, skip around to what interests you!
***** Episode breakdown *****
0:00 - Intro
2:12 - Buy Now, Pay Later
17:23 - Retweet of the Week
21:21 - What’s Going On In The Neighborhood
24:28 - Outro
***** Connect with us! *****
The Neighborhood Money Podcast is two friends talking about money on a weekly basis, nothing more. Anything said during the podcast is either Drew or Cavan's opinion and should not be taken as financial advice. This show is for educational and entertainment purposes only.