It's our 200th episode of Defenders TV Podcast join us as we discuss our feedback in our Daredevil Season 3 Wrap Up, our thoughts on the series as a whole and some ideas for what we'd like to see if Daredevil gets a fourth season.
There are spoilers from the beginning for all of the shows on Netflix from Marvel up to this point and particularly detailed spoilers for Daredevil Season 3 so make sure you've watched all of it before you join us.
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Thank you so much for listening to our Daredevil Season 3 wrap up Podcast. Make sure you subscribe to the podcast through Google Podcasts or Apple Podcasts. We are now also available on Spotify just search for Defenders TV Podcast. If you would like to send any of your thoughts in please send them to [email protected] join us on facebook at or follow us on Twitter @defenderscast and you can now record your thoughts for the podcast directly from our website by clicking the “Send Voicemail” button.
We'll have loads more to come before we begin our Punisher Season 2 and Jessica Jones season 3 coverage in 2019. We will be continuing our comic book coverage with the monthly Doctor Strange comic by Mark Waid. Also the Original Defenders return in the limited series "The Best Defense" featuring Doctor Strange, Namor, The Hulk and Silver Surfer and a final issue tying all the characters together. Additionally we'll be jumping into Spider-man with our discussion about the five issue Spider-Geddon event and the animated Spider-man "Into The Spider-Verse movie which will all be coming up over December and January.
Once again thanks so much for joining us for this fun season and the last 200 episodes.
John, Chris and Derek
Defenders TV Podcast
Date recorded: 25/11/2018
Date published: 28/11/2018
MP3, 90.38 mins, 96kbps, 62.6 MB
All images and audio clips are copyright of Netflix no infringement is intended. The intro and outro music for our show is provided by Mississippi MacDonald you can find more of his music at his website .