If you went through a bankruptcy, short sale, or foreclosure, Freddie Mac is going to make it easier for you to buy a home starting June 1st, 2017. Today I’m here with Michelle Piccinini from New American Mortgage to talk about some changing lending guidelines. As you know, 2008 through 2012 were difficult years for our market. If you went through bankruptcy, a short sale, or a foreclosure, it’s been very challenging for you to get into another home thanks to lending restrictions. As of June 1st, 2017, Freddie Mac will make things a little easier for you to buy a home—if you can document extenuating circumstances. "The new guidelines will help you buy a home sooner." Freddie Mac is asking for some documents showing why you had to go through a short sale, foreclosure, or bankruptcy. If you can prove a change of income or job loss, that would be an extenuating circumstance. If you had an adjustable mortgage and your monthly payment went from $1,200 to $3,500, that would be an extenuating circumstance as well. Your approval is up to the lender’s discretion. That’s one thing that’s great about New American Funding; because they are a direct funder/servicer, they have more control and you will work with the same underwriter throughout the entire process. If you are able to provide documentation and you would like to get a conventional loan instead of using the FHA band-aid, you won’t have to wait as long to purchase a home, either. If you went through a bankruptcy, you’ll only need to wait two years instead of four; foreclosures are three years instead of seven, and short sales will be two years instead of four. If you have any questions about financing, you can reach Michelle at (775) 501-8546 or give me a call. We would be happy to help you!