Bad morning, enemy! This week, Alex Skinner (Dudley) joins us to try to introduce some decorum into our discussuion of episode 1x05, "Never Have I Ever...Started a Nuclear War." We talk out-of-control Model UN sessions, the trash heap that is Davis, ships (omg Dani, enough with the Benvi obsession already!! -- jk love you), and of course, Fabiola coming out to her best friend.
Coming out can be a scary process, especially the first time. If you're considering coming out to your friends or loved ones, or if you want to know how you can make it easier for someone you love to come out to you, these organizations have some great resources that can help:
The Trevor Project's resources for LGBTQ+ youthThe Matthew Shepherd Foundation's resources for coming outPFLAG's resources for families of LGBTQ+ peopleSpecial Guest: Alex Skinner.