Too much food is wasted by consumers. Reducing this wastage is important. It is good for the climate and for one’s own wallet, not to mention the conscience.
Everybody agrees that it is important and yet reducing food waste is hard. People waste food not because they don’t care but often they do not know better ways to buy, store, cook and eat. Luckily, there are a whole set of tools from the discipline of psychology to help people become aware and have the right skills and behaviour.
Dr. Sophie Attwood behavioural scientist and a thought leader on sustainable food and heath choices. She holds a doctorate degree from the University of Cambridge and has worked with the global think tank WRI. In the podcast she also touches upon how companies who are developing solutions for the problem of food waste and selling plant based meats could market their products.
Section 1: First 8 minutes : introduction
Section 2: Next 34 minutes about food waste: how much, why and how to solve the problem?
Section 3 : Last 6 minutes about plant based meats.
Host : Sanjoy Sanyal, Founder Regain Paradise
Guest : Dr. Sophie Attwood
Behavioural Science Consultant